Cellulite Body Lotion
This cellulite body lotion must be prepared using GOLDEN ESSENCE Oil Free Body Lotion. Other types of body lotions and body products that contain absorbable oils cannot be used while on the HCG Diet.
The tricky thing about making an effective cellulite lotion is to not use a base lotion that contains certain oils, such as mineral oil. Mineral oil has a large molecular structure that blocks moisture (and essential oils) from absorbing into the
skin. An oil such as this prevents the essential oils from absorbing into the skin and creating therapeutic benefits. Body lotions available in stores that are 'oil free' contain toxic paraben preservatives which can be carried into the body along
with the essential oils.
Because of the purity of GOLDEN ESSENCE Oil Free, Paraben Free Body Lotion, it is the #1 choice for use during the HCG Diet, as well as after for continued treatment for cellulite. Our lotion continues to allow the therapeutic essential oils
to do their work, without the concern of oils and toxic parabens.
Directions: to 8 ounces of GOLDEN ESSENCE Oil Free Body Lotion add:
- 3 drops of Cypress essential oil
- 3 drops of Lemon essential oil
- 2 drops of Bergamot essential oil
- 1 drop of Ginger essential oil
- 1 drop of Geranium essential oil

In order to mix well, you will need to place the GOLDEN ESSENCE Oil Free Body Lotion into a bowl and gently stir in essential oils. Never 'beat' or 'whip' essentials or else they will break down. After mixing, store in a glass container with
a tight-sealing lid.
Apply 1 to 2 times a day to affected cellulite areas.
For best results, before application, shower in warm water using Exfoliating Gloves and GOLDEN ESSENCE Concentrated Citrus Body Wash, rinse, and dry body thoroughly.